Friday, January 17, 2025
Resumption of activities after the holidays!
PerfectPower on promotion from January 15 to 31, 2025!
PerfectPower Android at 33 euros / dollars instead of 49 (- 33%)
PerfectPower iOS at 27 euros / dollars instead of 39 (- 31%)
Resumption of development of PerfectPower iOS (from V6.1 to V7, planned for the end of March)
Resumption of work on PerfectPower websites
New History section
STATS up to date for the 2023-2025 period
Reflection and research in progress on the creation of a PerfectPower box (a copy will be created anyway, but large-scale deployment will have to be studied)
Crossing the USA with a PerfectPower car from April with publication of an exceptional photo report in the Miscellaneous section!
V) Friendly challenge at 10,000 euros & dollars
I) PerfectPower Androïd
Current version: V 7.1.1
1) Performances Simulator:
- Tiny optimization: Taking into account the inertia of the car and the pneumatic "un-slip" during gear changes (tiny improvement in acceleration and run flying start times with gear changes) (see note below)
- Use of the parameters of the Car sheet and no longer those of the Results sheet which must imperatively be reserved for the re-calculation of power results on parameters
- Minor corrections of FR/EN texts
2) Power Results Sheets: Catching up on an oversight in the last version 7.1: The measurement re-calculation function is now also automatic for the correction norm, and then now covers all cases (4):
- Changing the correction norm
- Closing the keyboard after modifying car or weather parameters
- Activation / Deactivation of the max speed correction (mode 1)
- Activation / Deactivation of the road slope correction (mode 2)
Note. This tiny optimization of the performances simulator was made possible thanks to an extremely precise comparative analysis of detailed Dragy Box times (100-110, 100-120, ..., 100-200) of a 100-200 km/h achieved with a BMW 335i F31 stage 3 in automatic 8-speed gearbox and the PerfectPower performances simulator, which revealed exceptionally close times (often identical to the hundredth!) on the phases where no gear was changed, but a tiny but certain pessimization of the simulator on the phases with gear change, even though the gear change time was known to the hundredth and the max revs programmed in the automatic 8-speed gearbox of this BMW were the ideal max revs of the PerfectPower performances simulator...
A huge thanks to the owner of this BMW (a Czech tuner) who made this tiny optimization possible, and who for info confirms on his own experience (hundreds of measurements with the Dragy Box!) the perfection of the ideal max revs of the PerfectPower performances simulator, much better than those of the models he had used until then!
Upcoming versions
V 7.1.2
1) Addition of a double choice of graphic scale for power graphs (in both Portrait and Landscape modes):
- Absolute vertical filling of the screen: "Power (90%) / Torque (50%)" (current) or "Power (90%) / Torque (90%)"
- Relative vertical filling of the screen: "Natural (axes starting from 0)" (current) or "Max size (curves occupying all available height)"
2) Aesthetic optimization of power graphs (in both Portrait and Landscape modes):
- Adaptations to all screens of the position of the PerfectPower logo and header texts
- Re-definition of the areas reserved for graphs (larger) and header texts (smaller)
V 7.1.3
1) Ergonomic improvements:
- New menu bar at the top
- Separation Main measurements (power, accelerations, runs flying start, braking) / Secondary measurements (speed, rev calibration, losses measurement) in the main screen
2) Aesthetic improvements:
- Addition of logos associated with the types of measurements performed
- Implementation of two meters: instantaneous speed, instantaneous power
V 7.1.4
1) Addition of the informative fields "Engine inertia", "Wheels inertia", and "Total inertia" in the car sheets and the power results sheets
2) The configuration of the performances simulator (shift time) is now associated with the car and is therefore done in the Car sheet and no longer in the Setup
II) PerfectPower iOS
Current version: V 6.0.2
1) Addition of the information "Wheel power", "Measurement time", and "Measurement distance" in the power results sheets, which will however only become operational in the next version 6.1
2) Addition of 2 warnings to the automated control system for power and acceleration measurements: GPS receiver working, GPS accuracy
Upcoming versions
V 6.1
1) New memory data recording system (more efficient and more flexible)
2) Addition of the Braking function
V 6.2
1) Addition of the function of re-calculation of the power results after measurement (very useful in the event of incorrect initial configuration of the Setup data and/or the Car sheet)
2) Addition in the power results sheets of the three chapters "Warnings", "Measurement accuracy", and "Miscellaneous", and their information (5 in total)
V 6.3
1) Addition of the power measurements comparison graph
2) Addition of the power measurements averaging graph
3) Addition of the function of generation of a new averaged result for power measurements
V 6.4
1) Addition of the accelerations measurements comparison graph
2) Addition of the accelerations measurements averaging graph
3) Addition of the function of generation of a new averaged result for accelerations measurements
V 6.5
1) Addition of the function of generation of a new averaged result for runs flying start and braking measurements
V 6.6
1) Addition of the Speed, Rev calibration, and Losses measurement functions
V 6.7
1) Driving via Bluetooth of the RaceBox Mini (external GPS 25 Hz), allowing:
- to further increase the accuracy of PerfectPower measurements (especially the runs flying start)
- the use of a new "GPS only" measurement mode for power & accelerations & braking measurements, which will be added in version 7.0
V 7.0
1) Addition of a new “GPS only” measurement mode (power & accelerations & braking measurements) allowing the only use of GPS data and therefore allowing to get rid of constraints of the accelerometer, thus allowing:
- to perform power measurements on a rolling start (indeed, the accelerometer calibration phase at standstill is no longer necessary!)
- to no longer have to carry out the accelerometer calibration phase while driving for braking measurements
- to completely free the phone from any mounting requirements (stability, vibration level, positioning)
However, the use of the RaceBox Mini is essential to use this mode, the internal GPS of phones still limited to 1 Hz in 2024 being still far too slow!
V 7.1
1) Power / Mode 2 only: Addition of a function of results correction on road slope, with indication of the average road slope and the max correction applied
However, the use of the RaceBox Mini is essential to use this function, the internal GPS of phones being much too inaccurate for an accurate correction!
Moreover, this function is NOT a magical function allowing to exempt you from performing measurements in both directions of the road since although it compensates with impressive efficiency for the effects of road slope, on the other hand it does not compensate for those of the wind (just as important!) AND therefore it remains ESSENTIAL to perform measurements in both directions of the road and average them to obtain perfectly reliable results, thank you for your understanding!
V 7.1.1
1) Addition of a double choice of graphic scale for power graphs (in both Portrait and Landscape modes):
- Absolute vertical filling of the screen: "Power (90%) / Torque (50%)" (current) or "Power (90%) / Torque (90%)"
- Relative vertical filling of the screen: "Natural (axes starting from 0)" (current) or "Max size (curves occupying all available height)"
2) Aesthetic optimization of power graphs (in both Portrait and Landscape modes):
- Adaptations to all screens of the position of the PerfectPower logo and header texts
- Re-definition of the areas reserved for graphs (larger) and header texts (smaller)
V 7.1.2
1) Aesthetic improvements "Part 2":
- Addition of logos associated with the types of measurements performed
- Implementation of two meters: instantaneous speed, instantaneous power
V 7.1.3
1) Addition of the informative fields "Engine inertia", "Wheels inertia", and "Total inertia" in the car sheets and the power results sheets
III) PerfectPower websites
1) Official website
French / English revision of each of the 15 chapters
Chapters 1 (Home) - 2 (All about PerfectPower) - 3 (NEWS) - 8 (Videos) up to date
Chapter 5 (Android Guide) in progress:
French Guide 100% up to date: New structure + Texts completely revised (word for word) + Replacement of the 38 old photos by 46 new ones
English Guide 80% up to date: New structure + Texts currently being translated from the French guide (chapters 0 to 6 OK)
Note: Other addresses of the official website:
2) Showcase website
Will be completed upon completion of the revision of the official website
Note: This new website is NOT the PerfectPower official website, it is a showcase "New generation" style website intended to present PerfectPower in a synthetic, aesthetic, and user-friendly way!
IV) Miscellaneous
A) Future developments (PerfectPower Android and iOS 7.X)
1) Export data to a CSV file
2) Optimization of the memory management, allowing the import / export of data between phones
3) Optimization of the performances simulation:
- Optimization of the grip limit calculation with modern sport tires (I will lead my own tests with my cars)
- Automatic delivery of reference flying start runs measurements following a power measurement:
25-50 mph & 40-80kph
50-75 mph & 80-120 kph
60-120 mph & 100-200 kph (if the car can of course)
4) Addition of a TUNER option, allowing to enter logged engine parameters and to have PerfectPower calculate the engine efficiency in the form of specific consumption (different modes and units provided)
B) Projects
1) Creation of PerfectPower Motorcycles (adaptation of PerfectPower to motorcycles)
2) Creation of PerfectPower Bicycles (adaptation of PerfectPower to bicycles, with the measurement of instantaneous and average muscular power during a sprint)
3) Creation of PerfectPower Sprinters (adaptation of PerfectPower to sprinters, with the measurement of instantaneous and average muscular power during a sprint)
I've had these projects in mind for years, but I would first like to completely finalize PerfectPower before launching them, so they should only see the light of day in 2025.
Note: Although the use of the RaceBox Mini will not be essential for PerfectPower Motorcycles (just as it is not for PerfectPower), it will however be essential for the two other projects, thank you for your understanding!
V) Friendly challenge at 10,000 euros & dollars
Translation coming soon...
En tant que créateur de PerfectPower, j'affirme que:
- PerfectPower V7 est encore plus précise en résultats moteur que n'importe quel banc à rouleaux dans le monde (Maha, Rotronics, DynoJet, etc...)
- PerfectPower V7 est plus précise en résultats moteur que n'importe quelle autre application smartphone (PerfExpert mon ex-application en tête)
ET j'offre 10 000 euros & dollars à toute personne qui parviendrait à démontrer que l'une et/ou l'autre de ces deux affirmations n'est pas vraie (bien entendu elle devra me les donner dans le cas inverse!), mais cela devra se faire dans un cadre strict et professionnel que je définis et qui est le suivant (3 points):
- Une équipe TV (Auto-Moto, Direct Auto, V6, Turbo, etc...) ou Internet ayant une audience mensuelle d'au moins 1 000 000 de personnes devra venir filmer les tests et s'engager à publier les résultats quelqu'ils soient (ce ne sont pas les Youtubers de talent qui font des millions de vues qui manquent je crois...). Cette équipe sera payée après publication des résultats à 50/50 entre la personne relevant mon défi et moi-même, et après acceptation bien sûr par les deux parties de la somme demandée.
- Puisque par définition ni PerfectPower ni aucune autre application smartphone ni aucun banc à rouleaux ne mesure une vraie puissance au moteur mais mesure une puissance en dynamique sur route ou sur des rouleaux et cherche ensuite à "remonter" à la puissance moteur par calcul & estimation des différentes pertes, il sera nécessaire de mesurer un moteur seul au banc moteur et de le monter ensuite dans la voiture pour les tests: ça je peux m'en charger car j'ai les contacts qu'il faut, mais idem cela a un coût et il sera partagé à 50/50 entre la personne relevant mon défi et moi-même. Et inutile de croire qu'il existe dans ce monde un banc à rouleaux ou même un banc à moyeux donnant à tous les coups (pour tous les types de voiture et sur tous les rapports de boite) des résultats moteur 100% justes, ça n'existe PAS comme je 'ai clairement expliqué dans cet article!
- Pour les DEUX affirmations, le comparatif ne portera pas que sur une simple comparaison des résultats moteur de PerfectPower & autre application smartphone & banc à rouleaux avec les résultats moteur de la voiture-test obtenus au banc moteur, mais aussi sur une analyse de la régularité des résultats moteur sur un rapport de boite donné (sur ce point le banc sera le vainqueur), une comparaison des résultats moteur entre eux sur différents rapports de boite (2-3 sur la route et 2-3-4-5 sur le banc), et enfin une analyse de la forme des courbes. Des notes de 1 à 5 seront attribuées pour chacune des quatre parties et le vainqueur sera naturellement celui qui aura le plus de points sur la totalité des quatre parties.
Voilà, ce sont les modalités de base, nul besoin d'en définir d'autres tout est déjà parfaitement clair même si bien sûr (ET si mon défi est relevé...) tout cela sera discuté entre les différents protagonistes et résumé sur papier avant les tests eux-mêmes. ET je tiens à le rappeler, tout ceci est purement AMICAL (et il est même possible que cartaines conditions soient discutées et revues d'un commun accord...), et ce défi a en fait surtout pour objectf de prouver implicitement que PerfectPower est vraiment une application de mesure de puissance et de performances hors-normes et proprement imbattable, même par des matériels de plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'euros & dollars... Pour le relever, il suffit tout simplement de me contacter, mais merci de ne pas me déranger pour rien: si vous n'êtes pas sûr de votre coup (MOI je le suis n'en doutez pas une seconde!), merci d'avance de vous abstenir!