Friday, October 18, 2024


Weeks of October 14 and 21: Absolute priority of work on the PerfectPower websites:

1) Official website

French / English revision of each of the 15 chapters

Chapters 1 (Home) - 2 (All about PerfectPower) - 3 (NEWS) - 8 (Videos) up to date

Chapter 5 (Android Guide) in progress:

French Guide 100% revised (structure + texts + adaptations to the latest Android 7.1 version) and up to date on the texts (a few photos to add): Android users, do not hesitate to rediscover it, in particular the new quick guide!

Note: Having no longer a translator for the Russian website for a while now, the possibility of deleting the Russian website is alas being considered!

2) Showcase website

Will be completed as soon as the revision of the official website is complete (week of October 21)


Due to the necessary prioritization of activities related to PerfectPower during the next 3 months, the final release of PerfectPower iOS V7 will not be possible until early 2025, and no precise schedule can be made due to the extreme amount of work to be done, thank you for your understanding.


Release of PerfectPower Android 7.1 on Monday, September 23, 2024: finally taking into account the road slope in the results! (RaceBox Mini & Mini S)


Publication of a measurement report with an educational vocation with 4 objectives:

- Quantify precisely the efficiency of the function of results correction on road slope introduced in PerfectPower Android 7.1

- Carry out a perfect synthesis of the PerfectPower Android / PerfectPower iOS and Mode 1 (Accelerometer + GPS) / Mode 2 (GPS only) comparisons already carried out

- Prove all at the same time the perfection of the PerfectPower calculation program (Android / iOS) and in both modes, the perfection of the function of results correction on max speed developed for mode 1, the perfection of the function of results correction on road slope developed for mode 2, and highlight positive and negative aspects to know about the equipment used (an Android phone, an iOS phone, the RaceBox Mini)

- AND finally achieve all this for educational purposes, to teach you how to perform the best possible measurements with PerfectPower (Android as iOS), knowing which measurement mode to use according to your preferences and measurement conditions, how to use the two corrective functions created especially for each of the two modes, and finally the advantages but also the limits of the equipment used


A marketing campaign in the USA is underway (since Thursday October 10, 2024), with among other things a double crossing of the USA planned soon with one of my personal cars repainted in the colors of PerfectPower! Formalities for shipping by boat from France in progress


Key dates


Early 2025: Release of PerfectPower iOS 7.0

Sun 12052024: Release of PerfectPower iOS 6.0

Thu 11042024: Release of PerfectPower Androïd 7.0

Wed 27032024: Inauguration of a new “New generation” website:

Note:  This new website is NOT the PerfectPower official website, it is a showcase "New generation" style website intended to present PerfectPower in a synthetic, aesthetic, and user-friendly way, and it will be completed in October 2024!

Sun 01102023: Creation of the PerfectPower Instagram account perfectpower747!

Thu 28092023: PerfectPower Android officially compatible with RaceBox devices!

Note. PerfectPower iOS will also be officially compatible starting from its 7.0 version!


Services proposal in New York (mapping on Honda)


I) PerfectPower Androïd

II) PerfectPower iOS

III) Miscellaneous

     A) Services proposal

     B) Future developments

     C) Projects

IV) Friendly challenge at 10,000 euros & dollars

V) PerfectPower version history

     A) PerfectPower Androïd

     B) Perfectower iOS


I) PerfectPower Androïd



Developments in versions 7.1.X (Early 2025)


1) Addition of the informative fields "Engine inertia", "Wheels inertia", and "Total inertia" in the car sheets and the power results sheets

2) Ergonomic improvements:

- New menu bar at the top

- Separation Main measurements (power, accelerations, runs flying start, braking) / Secondary measurements (speed, rev calibration, losses measurement) in the main screen

3) Aesthetic improvements:

- Addition of logos associated with the types of measurements performed

- Implementation of two meters: instantaneous speed, instantaneous power


II) PerfectPower iOS



Report of version 6.1


1) New memory data recording system (more efficient and more flexible)

2) Addition of the Braking function


Report of version 6.2


1) Addition of the function of re-calculation of the power results after measurement (very useful in the event of incorrect initial configuration of the Setup data and/or the Car sheet)

2) Addition in the power results sheets of the three chapters "Warnings", "Measurement accuracy", and "Miscellaneous", and their information (5 in total)


Report of version 6.3


1) Addition of the power measurements comparison graph

2) Addition of the power measurements averaging graph

3) Addition of the function of generation of a new averaged result for power measurements


Report of version 6.4


1) Addition of the accelerations measurements comparison graph

2) Addition of the accelerations measurements averaging graph

3) Addition of the function of generation of a new averaged result for accelerations measurements


Report of version 6.5


1) Addition of the function of generation of a new averaged result for runs flying start and braking measurements


Report of version 6.6


1) Addition of the Speed, Rev calibration, and Losses measurement functions


Report of version 6.7


1) Driving via Bluetooth of the RaceBox Mini (the most efficient external GPS on the market: 25 Hz and 0.3 m average horizontal accuracy!), allowing:

- to further increase the accuracy of PerfectPower measurements (especially the runs flying start)

- the use of a new "GPS only" measurement mode for power & accelerations & braking measurements, which will be added in version 7.0


Report of version 7.0 (Early 2025)


1) Addition of a new “GPS only” measurement mode (power & accelerations & braking measurements) allowing the only use of GPS data and therefore allowing to get rid of constraints of the accelerometer, thus allowing:

- to completely free the phone from any mounting requirements (stability, vibration level, positioning)

- to carry out measurements on a road in poor condition, even if this is not recommended from a strict performance point of view, the rolling resistance (and the air resistance to a lesser extent) being seriously increased and variably over time

- to perform power measurements on a rolling start (indeed, the specific calibration phase at standstill is no longer necessary!)

- to no longer have to carry out the difficult specific calibration phase while driving for braking measurements

However, the use of the RaceBox Mini & Mini S is essential to use this mode, the internal GPS of phones still limited to 1 Hz in 2024 being still far too slow!


Report of version 7.1 (Early 2025)


1) Power / Mode 2 only: Addition of a function of results correction on road slope, with indication of the average road slope and the max correction applied

However, the use of the RaceBox Mini & Mini S is essential to use this function, the internal GPS of phones being much too inaccurate for an accurate correction!

Moreover, this function is NOT a magical function allowing to exempt you from performing measurements in both directions of the road since although it compensates with impressive efficiency for the effects of road slope, on the other hand it does not compensate for those of the wind (just as important!) AND therefore it remains ESSENTIAL to perform measurements in both directions of the road and average them to obtain perfectly reliable results, thank you for your understanding!


Developments in versions 7.1.X (Early 2025)


1) Addition of the informative fields "Engine inertia", "Wheels inertia", and "Total inertia" in the car sheets and the power results sheets

2) Aesthetic improvements "Part 2":

- Addition of logos associated with the types of measurements performed

- Implementation of two meters: instantaneous speed, instantaneous power


III) Miscellaneous


A) Services proposal


To all garage managers specializing in Honda based in New York or in the area


I offer my help to carry out the mapping of any Honda equipped with a Hondata S300 or K-Pro ECU. I have 5 years of experience in the field in France (2018-2023) where I was entrusted with projects ranging from a 130 hp D16A9 atmo (N/A) to (soon) a K24 Turbo from 800 to 1000 hp, through K20 Turbo from 300 to 500 hp.


I just need a full day per car & project to perform an optimal tuning of the engine (performance AND reliability) and all the necessary checks, however it will also be necessary for a mechanic to check all the mechanical and electrical (harness) part of the car before I can carry out the mapping, having enough experience to know that 9 times out of 10 there is a problem at this level (anyway in France).


You can contact me by email for any information (Contact section).


B) Future developments (PerfectPower Android and iOS 7.X)


1) Export data to a CSV file

2) Optimization of the memory management, allowing the import / export of data between phones

3) Optimization of the performances simulation:

- Optimization of the grip limit calculation with modern sport tires (I will lead my own tests with my cars)

- Automatic delivery of reference flying start runs measurements following a power measurement:

25-50 mph & 40-80kph

50-75 mph & 80-120 kph

60-120 mph & 100-200 kph (if the car can of course)

4) Addition of a TUNER option, allowing to enter logged engine parameters and to have PerfectPower calculate the engine efficiency in the form of specific consumption (different modes and units provided)


C) Projects


1) Creation of PerfectPower Motorcycles (adaptation of PerfectPower to motorcycles)

2) Creation of PerfectPower Bicycles (adaptation of PerfectPower to bicycles, with the measurement of instantaneous and average muscular power during a sprint)

3) Creation of PerfectPower Sprinters (adaptation of PerfectPower to sprinters, with the measurement of instantaneous and average muscular power during a sprint)


I've had these projects in mind for years, but I would first like to completely finalize PerfectPower before launching them, so they should only see the light of day in 2025.


Note: Although the use of the RaceBox Mini will not be essential for PerfectPower Motorcycles (just as it is not for PerfectPower), it will however be essential for the two other projects, thank you for your understanding!


IV) Friendly challenge at 10,000 euros & dollars


Translation coming soon...


En tant que créateur de PerfectPower, j'affirme que:

- PerfectPower V7 est encore plus précise en résultats moteur que n'importe quel banc à rouleaux dans le monde (Maha, Rotronics, DynoJet, etc...)

- PerfectPower V7 est plus précise en résultats moteur que n'importe quelle autre application smartphone (PerfExpert mon ex-application en tête)


ET j'offre 10 000 euros & dollars à toute personne qui parviendrait à démontrer que l'une et/ou l'autre de ces deux affirmations n'est pas vraie (bien entendu elle devra me les donner dans le cas inverse!), mais cela devra se faire dans un cadre strict et professionnel que je définis et qui est le suivant (3 points):

- Une équipe TV (Auto-Moto, Direct Auto, V6, Turbo, etc...) ou Internet ayant une audience mensuelle d'au moins 1 000 000 de personnes devra venir filmer les tests et s'engager à publier les résultats quelqu'ils soient (ce ne sont pas les Youtubers de talent qui font des millions de vues qui manquent je crois...). Cette équipe sera payée après publication des résultats à 50/50 entre la personne relevant mon défi et moi-même, et après acceptation bien sûr par les deux parties de la somme demandée.

- Puisque par définition ni PerfectPower ni aucune autre application smartphone ni aucun banc à rouleaux ne mesure une vraie puissance au moteur mais mesure une puissance en dynamique sur route ou sur des rouleaux et cherche ensuite à "remonter" à la puissance moteur par calcul & estimation des différentes pertes, il sera nécessaire de mesurer un moteur seul au banc moteur et de le monter ensuite dans la voiture pour les tests: ça je peux m'en charger car j'ai les contacts qu'il faut, mais idem cela a un coût et il sera partagé à 50/50 entre la personne relevant mon défi et moi-même. Et inutile de croire qu'il existe dans ce monde un banc à rouleaux ou même un banc à moyeux donnant à tous les coups (pour tous les types de voiture et sur tous les rapports de boite) des résultats moteur 100% justes, ça n'existe PAS comme je 'ai clairement expliqué dans cet article!

- Pour les DEUX affirmations, le comparatif ne portera pas que sur une simple comparaison des résultats moteur de PerfectPower & autre application smartphone & banc à rouleaux avec les résultats moteur de la voiture-test obtenus au banc moteur, mais aussi sur une analyse de la régularité des résultats moteur sur un rapport de boite donné (sur ce point le banc sera le vainqueur), une comparaison des résultats moteur entre eux sur différents rapports de boite (2-3 sur la route et 2-3-4-5 sur le banc), et enfin une analyse de la forme des courbes. Des notes de 1 à 5 seront attribuées pour chacune des quatre parties et le vainqueur sera naturellement celui qui aura le plus de points sur la totalité des quatre parties.


Voilà, ce sont les modalités de base, nul besoin d'en définir d'autres tout est déjà parfaitement clair même si bien sûr (ET si mon défi est relevé...) tout cela sera discuté entre les différents protagonistes et résumé sur papier avant les tests eux-mêmes. ET je tiens à le rappeler, tout ceci est purement AMICAL (et il est même possible que cartaines conditions soient discutées et revues d'un commun accord...), et ce défi a en fait surtout pour objectf de prouver implicitement que PerfectPower est vraiment une application de mesure de puissance et de performances hors-normes et proprement imbattable, même par des matériels de plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'euros & dollars... Pour le relever, il suffit tout simplement de me contacter, mais merci de ne pas me déranger pour rien: si vous n'êtes pas sûr de votre coup (MOI je le suis n'en doutez pas une seconde!), merci d'avance de vous abstenir!


V) PerfectPower version history


Note: All release dates are given in New York time zone (PerfectPower standard).


A) PerfectPower Androïd


V 7.1

Mon 23/09/2024 - 10.55 am


1) Power / Mode 2 only: Addition of a function of results correction on road slope, with indication of the average road slope and the max correction applied

However, the use of the RaceBox Mini & Mini S is essential to use this function, the internal GPS of phones being much too inaccurate for an accurate correction!

Moreover, this function is NOT a magical function allowing to exempt you from performing measurements in both directions of the road since although it compensates with impressive efficiency for the effects of road slope, on the other hand it does not compensate for those of the wind (just as important!) AND therefore it remains ESSENTIAL to perform measurements in both directions of the road and average them to obtain perfectly reliable results, thank you for your understanding!

2) Power: The manual function of measurement re-calculation becomes automatic in all cases:

- Closing the keyboard after modifying car parameters

- Activation / Deactivation of the max speed correction (mode 1)

- Activation / Deactivation of the road slope correction (mode 2)

==> Removal of the "Re-calculation of the measurement" button

However, be careful, you must ALWAYS remember to save any modification (car parameters, max speed correction, road slope correction) that you wish to keep via the "Register the new parameters" button BEFORE leaving the results sheet, thank you. This function may however also become automatic in the future if this choice was preferred by users.


V 7.0.6

Tue 27/08/2024 - 9.18 am


1) Lap Timer: Fixed an oversight in the adaptations to Android 14 made in the previous V7.0.4, which generated a crash when trying to use Bluetooth to connect to a RaceBox Mini & Mini S under Android 14


V 7.0.5

Mon 26/08/2024 - 9.10 am


1)All power and performances measurements: Fixed an oversight in the adaptations to Android 14 made in the previous V7.0.4, which generated a crash when trying to use Bluetooth to connect to a RaceBox Mini & Mini S under Android 14

2) Fixed a bug that could occur when disconnecting from the RaceBox Mini & Mini S while it is out of Bluetooth range or discharged

3) Minor changes of some help texts for runs flying start & braking & losses measurement measures


V 7.0.4

Sun 04/08/2024 - 3.03 pm


1) All adaptations to Android 14 (API 34)

2) Power results sheets: Management of an information button on the max speed correction function


V 7.0.3

Sun 05/05/2024 - 11.51 am


1) Power / Mode 1 only: Addition in the power results sheets of the info "Speed at max rev" and an explanatory text on the "Max speed correction" function ideal in the event of poor GPS reception or failure of this one in this mode (indeed, 95% of the measurement accuracy is made by the accelerometer in this mode)

2) Power / Modes 1 and 2: Addition in the power results sheets of a “Miscellaneous” chapter and its first information: “Estimated tyre slip”

3) Fixed an oversight (non-deletion of internal logs after release of the V7.0.2) which could cause a crash when opening certain results


V 7.0.2

Thu 25/04/2024 - 9.27 am


1) Power & Accelerations / Modes 1 and 2: Tiny optimization of the smoothing of curves, even cleaner but without any loss of precision

Note: This first modification was decided out of pure perfectionism!

2) Power & Accelerations / Mode 2 only: Specific but necessary slight increase in the smoothing of curves in mode 2 so with the RaceBox Mini

Note: On the other hand, this second modification was decided following insufficiently stable measurement results in mode 2 with the RaceBox Mini on a measurement road that was certainly not smooth at all but the RaceBox Mini was supposed to be insensitive to it ==> It is therefore obvious that additional fine-tuning had to be done in this mode 2 but this nevertheless reminds us that using only GPS data is in no way a miracle solution allowing us to measure anywhere and that we remain totally dependent on variations in the precision of the GPS signal throughout the measurements, EVEN with the best external GPS on the market, which is undoubtedly the RaceBox Mini...

BUT the most important thing is not that: the most important thing is to know that PerfectPower V7 has done the BEST work possible to obtain optimally precise measurement results in each of the two modes, and it proves it with the launch of a friendly but clear challenge at 10,000 euros & dollars!


V 7.0.1

Fri 12/04/2024 - 1.35 pm


1) Fixed an oversight distorting the calculation of wheels power for results of type "Incorrect average of version V6"

2) Improved measurement mode management:

- Added measurement mode to power results lists

- Specification of the measurement mode for each validated result in the power results comparison sheets

3) Aesthetic improvements:

- Fixed an oversight disrupting the display in cars and results lists in dark mode on some phones

- Wallpaper of cars and results lists in black (instead of white)


V 7.0

Thu 11/04/2024 - 6.11 pm


Major evolution of the V7 version compared to the V6 version:

1) Ultimate and final optimization of the precision of power and acceleration measurements in modes 1 (Accelerometer + GPS) and 2 (GPS only)

A) Return to the signal processing techniques of versions V1 to V5, just deeply reworked and optimized!

Indeed, these techniques have the huge advantage of generating absolutely no lag in the curves, unlike that introduced in the V6 version, which caused a slight permanent delay resulting in a slight underestimation of maximum torques and a slight delay in maximum power and maximum torque revs...

B) Optimization of the curves smoothing, allowing both to faithfully reproduce the exact behavior of the engine (AND without any lag as explained above!), AND to completely destroy all disturbances (engine vibrations and "road disturbances" in the mode 1 "Accelerometer + GPS", and "GPS noise" in the mode 2 "GPS only")

C) Power only: Optimization of the detection of the exact point of end of measurement (rev limiter -on gasoline engine- or foot lift), allowing in one of the next versions 7.0.X the addition of the information "Estimated tyre slip"

D) Power only: Conservation and optimization of the system of variable smoothing of the curves depending on the signal / noise ratio (introduced in the V6 version, and allowing an optimal curves precision in all circumstances and the equalization of curves precision in 2nd and in 3rd gear), giving in comparison with the calibration carried out in the V6 version slightly "un-smoothed" curves 

E) Accelerations only: Removal of the system of variable smoothing of the curves depending on the signal / noise ratio (introduced in the V6 version), because it is unsuitable for acceleration measurements in gear change phases ==> Return to the fixed smoothing of versions V1 to V5 but optimized, giving in comparison with the calibration carried out in the V6 version significantly “un-smoothed” and much more realistic curves

F) Mode 2 (GPS only with use of the RaceBox Mini & Mini S) only: Resolution of a double (or even triple) points problem!

Indeed, the RaceBox Mini & Mini S is clocked at 25 Hz, but if in absolute terms it returns 25 information per second, in reality certain points are repeated two (or even three) times, which reduces its effective frequency (up to "only" 15 Hz!) and can obviously disrupt their correct processing, so here is what has been done:

- Search for all these "fake" double or triple points

- Clean re-calibration of measurement times and GPS speeds

Thus, PerfectPower can exploit the information from the RaceBox Mini & Mini S to its full potential, which is not quite that officially announced (25 Hz)...

2) Re-calculation and re-saving of all single (= individual) results saved in your phone during their first opening with this V7 version: thus, absolutely all your old measurements are converted in the blink of an eye to the new calculation system of the V7 version, exactly as if you had performed them directly with it!

IMPORTANT: It is therefore NORMAL to note that all your single results will change (the maximum powers will be approximately the same, but the maximum torques will slightly increase), but these are for sure the good AND final ones of the V7 version!

3) Specific management of all averaged results produced with version V6: as these results cannot be re-calculated with the new calculation system of version V7, they are kept as is and will therefore not change, but they are stamped " Incorrect average of version V6"

IMPORTANT: For the sake of transparency, the possibility of comparing these "incorrect" averaged results of version V6 with the other "normal" results of version V7 (both single and averaged) is offered to you: it is thus possible for you to visualize very precisely the difference in results between those of the V7 version which are absolutely perfect (and in particular without any lag!) and those of the V6 version suffering from a slight lag... be careful, however, to only compare results performed exactly in the same conditions (the ideal being to compare an "incorrect average of version V6" with the new average recalculated with version V7 and of course with the same source measurements!) otherwise the comparison will be distorted!


V 6.2.2

Fri 22/03/2024 - 2.52 pm


1) All adaptations to Android 13 (includes taking into account the new stricter Android rules on the full frequency use of the phone's sensors)

2) Optimization of the Bluetooth permissions management system for phones running Android 12 or +

3) Aesthetic improvements to the Setup screen and all associated screens, cars list, and results lists: White background (instead of green)


V 6.2.1

Mon 04/03/2024 - 4.30 pm


1) Fixed a bug preventing the Bluetooth scan from being launched for phones running Android 12 or +, even when authorization has been granted


V 6.2

Sun 03/03/2024 - 3.03 pm


1) Introduction of a new “GPS only” measurement mode (power & accelerations & braking measurements) allowing the only use of GPS data and therefore allowing to get rid of constraints of the accelerometer, thus allowing:

- to completely free the phone from any mounting requirements (stability, vibration level, positioning)

- to carry out measurements on a road in poor condition, even if this is not recommended from a strict performances point of view, the rolling resistance (and the air resistance to a lesser extent) being seriously increased and variably over time

- to perform power measurements on a rolling start (indeed, the specific calibration phase at standstill is no longer necessary!)

- to no longer have to carry out the difficult specific calibration phase while driving for braking measurements

However, the use of the RaceBox Mini & Mini S is essential to use this mode, the internal GPS of phones still limited to 1 Hz in 2023 being still far too slow!

2) Revision of the results comparison and averaging management system (power, accelerations, runs flying start, and braking)

3) Adding a system for requesting permission to use Bluetooth for RaceBox Mini & Mini S users under Androïd 12 or + (mandatory with the new Androïd rules! otherwise the system crashes the application during any attempt to use it)


V 6.1.7

Thu 25/01/2024 - 12.49 pm


1) Fixed a minor bug prohibiting the averaging of averaged results from 2024 and distorting the comparison of averaged results from 2024 (the values were modified). The reason for this bug was the following: PerfectPower interpreted (wrongly!) averaged results from 2024 as results performed with a version prior to version 6.0 of 13012023, and it was therefore looking to convert them to the new PerfectPower calculation system introduced in version 6.0!

2) Modification of the home message to ask RaceBox Mini users transferring PerfectPower from a phone running Android 11 or - to a phone running Android 12 or + to allow PerfectPower to connect to devices via Bluetooth in the phone settings before being able to connect to their RaceBox Mini


V 6.1.6

Sat 23/12/2023 - 11.28 am


1) Change in precision of pressure units: The hPa remains with a precision of 1 digit after the decimal point, but the in Hg and PSI go from 1 to 2 digits after the decimal point

2) Modification of the chapter “Help completing the Car sheet” in the Car sheet: Link to the Database section of the website + Descriptive text

3) Correction of an oversight: The maximum S.Cx allowed for recalculation of results after measurement increases from 1.5 to 3.0 m2, i.e. the same value as that allowed for entry in the Car sheet, which had already been increased from 1.5 to 3.0 m2 in a previous version to take motorhomes into account

4) Minor bug fix


V 6.1.5

Sun 30/07/2023 - 12.34 pm


1) For RaceBox Mini & Mini S users: Taking into account old low-end Android phones that badly support several Bluetooth communications at the same time thanks to a specific management of split data packets

2) Aesthetic optimizations:

A) Power graphs (result, comparison, averaging):

- White screen background: New PerfectPower logo with white background, identically resuming the design of the original logo with black background

- Repositioning of the PerfectPower logo and header texts in portrait and landscape mode

B) Removal of the Action bar


V 6.1.4

Thu 08/06/2023 - 0.47 am


1) Driving of the RaceBox Mini S (following the RaceBox Mini already driven since the V6.1), however limited to the classic Bluetooth communications already carried out with the RaceBox Mini, PerfectPower requiring a permanent Bluetooth connection with the RaceBox Mini & Mini S for measurements with an optimal accuracy.

2) Adding a function for duplicating a Car sheet (useful if you often measure the same model of car!).


V 6.1.3

Fri 26/05/2023 - 10.51 am


Removal of the Power function lock, the anti-piracy objective having been achieved


V 6.1.2

Sun 30/04/2023 - 7.10 pm


1) The 6 data currently used by PerfectPower coming from the RaceBox Mini (GPS speed, timestamp, latitude, longitude, WGS altitude, and GPS accuracy) are now also used for the Lap Timer, and no longer only for the seven basic measurements (power, accelerations, runs flying start, braking, speed, rev calibration, losses measurement).

2) Power graphs:

- White screen background: New transparent PerfectPower logo

- All screen backgrounds (black / white): New logo positioning (a little lower) + Maximum logo opacity


V 6.1.1

Thu 20/04/2023 - 8.42 am


1) Four new data used by PerfectPower coming from the RaceBox Mini: latitude, longitude, WGS altitude (converted by PerfectPower to MSL altitude), and GPS accuracy. These data are purely indicative at the present moment regarding the seven basic measurements (power, accelerations, runs flying start, braking, speed, rev calibration, losses measurement).

2) Automatic disconnection of PerfectPower from the RaceBox Mini when leaving the application ==> the user no longer has to think about doing it (this disconnection was previously done implicitly by the closing of the Bluetooth service by PerfectPower, but tests have shown that this could generate occasional instability (less than 1 s) of the phone's Bluetooth system and that it is preferable to always disconnect specifically from the RaceBox Mini before exiting the application, which is then now managed automatically by PerfectPower).


V 6.1

Sat 15/04/2023 - 2.58 pm


1) Driving via Bluetooth of the RaceBox Mini (the most efficient "all-public" external GPS on the market: 25 Hz and 1 ft of horizontal accuracy!), allowing:

- to further increase the accuracy of PerfectPower measurements (especially the runs flying start)

- the use of the new "GPS only" measurement mode for power & accelerations & braking measurements, which will be unlocked in the version 6.2

- the concretization of a partnership with RaceBox, the manufacturer of the RaceBox Mini

Note: In this inaugural version, only the two fundamental data "GPS speed" and "Timestamp" are used by PerfectPower, and they are used "only" for the seven basic measurements (power, accelerations, runs flying start, braking, speed, rev calibration, losses measurement), not yet for the Lap Timer. More data and the use of these data for the Lap Timer will be added in the following versions.

2) Creation of a piracy awareness system: the Power function (the main function) is locked during the very first opening of a version of PerfectPower greater than or equal to 6.1, but it is enough to read a message about piracy awareness and then to perform a very simple manipulation to unlock it.


V 6.0.1

Wed 22/02/2023 - 5.27 pm


1) For acceleration measurements (based on the "Accelerometer + GPS" combination): Creation of a auto-adaptive smoothing of the curves according to the signal / noise ratio, allowing an optimal precision of curves at any point of the measurement (resumption of the auto-adaptive smoothing already carried out for power measurements since version 6.0)

Note: This will not change the Distance / Time (60 ft, 1/8 mile, 1/4 mile, 3300 ft) and Speed / Time (0 – 20 / 40 / ... / 200 mph) results both calculated by two mathematical operations requiring no specific smoothing (integration of the acceleration provided by the accelerometer and correlation by the information provided by the GPS), but only the Acceleration / Time curve (and as a consequence the maximum acceleration noted) which it definitely needs smoothing!

2) For users having on their phone power results performed with any version prior to 6.0 (5.6 or earlier):

- Fixed the conversion of averaged results to the new PerfectPower calculation system introduced in version 6.0 (an oversight made this conversion incomplete in version 6.0, generating underestimated max powers by about 3%)

- Automatic saving of all results (individual and averaged) converted to the new PerfectPower calculation system introduced in version 6.0 as soon as a results sheet is opened (this saving was not carried out in version 6.0, generating max powers different between that read in the sheet of a given result and that read in the results list)

Reminder: Be careful because in some cases (especially for cars taking their maximum power very close to the rev limiter), there could be anomalies on the curve end since the old end of measurement detection (that carried out in versions prior to 6.0) was imperfect, thank you for your understanding! Ideally, do not hesitate to redo two final validation measurements with version 6.0 with averaging in stride to obtain certain reference results in all points of the curve!


V 6.0

 Fri 13/01/2023 - 4.13 am


1) All adaptations to ANDROID 13 (API 33) + ANDROID min changed from 4.4 (API 19) to 7.0 (API 24)

2) Ultimate optimization of power and acceleration measurements accuracy (based on the "Accelerometer + GPS" combination)

A) Limitation of the accelerometer frequency to 100 Hz (instead of 200)

B) Optimization of the end of measurement detection (rev limiter - on petrol engine - or foot lift) (power only)

C) Optimization of the curves processing by the choice of a new, more efficient signal processing technique:

- Filtering of engine vibrations optimized

- Filtering of "road disturbances" optimized

D) Creation of an auto-adaptive smoothing of the curves according to the signal / noise ratio, allowing an optimal precision of curves in all circumstances and the equalization of the precision of curves in 2nd and 3rd gear (power only)

E) Optimization of the PerfectPower model of losses under load on the pneumatic part (power only)

F) Optimization of the PerfectPower model of rolling resistance, adapted to recent road tires (law still of type a + bV², but a and b different: these are now the average values recorded by a European test campaign in 2013 on a very large number of vehicles) (power only)

G) Optimization of the PerfectPower model of engine and wheels inertia calculation (power only):

- The calculation of the engine inertia now takes into account the number of cylinders, which gives more realistic results for all engines with more (or less!) than 4 cylinders: indeed, my old model was based on a study of several PSA (Peugeot & Citroën) 4-cylinders, which could not fully apply to engines with more or less than 4 cylinders, but the shooting is now rectified!

- The calculation of the wheels inertia is refined thanks to the optimization of my model (Renault Clio 16V wheels with aluminum rims), much finer on the geometric schematization of the moving masses. 

3) Adding a "GPS only" measurement mode (power & accelerations & braking), however locked for this version 6.0: it will be unlocked in the version 6.2

4) Replacement of the function of automatic recovery of weather data by a function of manual recovery of these data in real time and by geolocation on the reference weather site "The Weather Channel"

Note: The reasons for this choice are as follows:

- The last weather server used for the automatic recovery of weather data stopped its service overnight, a mishap that I would prefer not to see repeated...

- This type of service is chargeable beyond a certain number of connections per day, which would force me to have to pass on this additional cost to PerfectPower users, whereas it takes no more than... 20 seconds to complete yourself your own weather data (pressure, temperature, and humidity) with the new manual recovery system that I propose, including in particular the automatic conversion of the atmospheric pressure given at sea level (by standardization) into the local pressure on your measurement road: so I think this solution is the most advantageous for everyone!

5) General revision of authorizations for measurements & comparison of measurements & averaging of measurements:

- Authorization of power measurements on any gear, BUT addition of a warning message in case of choosing a gear other than 2 or 3, the only ones that should be used with a serial car

- Authorization of recalculation of results after measurement for the "Engine displacement", "Number of cylinders", Tires size" fields (previously locked)

- Averaging of power measurements having a different speed correction mode allowed

- Increasing the reading time of measurements & measurements comparison & measurements averaging prohibition text

6) Deletion of the EXPERT page and therefore of the 5 parameters associated with it (k tires, coefficients a and b of the law of rolling resistance a + bV2, engine and wheels inertia) and which were available for recalculation of results after measurement, due both to the perfection of the values and calculations of these parameters in PerfectPower 6.0 and the tiny number of users concerned (experts of the automotive sector working on particular projects)

7) Adding a warning message when opening the app about measurement accuracy, specifying the importance of using an external GPS of 10 Hz minimum and performing measurements in both directions of the road

8) Solid Lap Timer revision:

- Addition of a tracks selection system (limited to two tracks for the moment: Lurcy-Levis and Le Castellet in France), but with the possibility of a free choice of GPS coordinates

- Improvement of the ergonomics of the entry of GPS coordinates in free choice

- Prohibition of choosing a track or entering GPS coordinates during a timed session

- Authorization to launch a timed session while driving (it could only be done when stopped before)

- Maximum duration increased from 30 minutes to 1 hour

9) For PerfectPower users updating from any previous version (5.6 or earlier): Creation of a conversion system of all their old power results and all their car parameters to the new PerfectPower calculation system. However, be careful because in some cases (especially for cars taking their maximum power very close to the rev limiter), there could be anomalies on the curve end since the old end of measurement detection was imperfect, thank you for your understanding!

10) Various textual and graphic adaptations related to the additions of functions performed + Update of all web links (FR/EN guides, email contact, automotive database)

11) Increasing the maximum size for entering the "Model" and "Description" fields of a car from 20 to 25 characters

12) General aesthetic revision


IMPORTANT: The ultimate optimization of power measurements accuracy was consolidated by carrying out a measurements session on Friday, November 4, 2022 on the best chassis dynamometer on the market (a Rotronics Autoscan FI 4x4 synchronized, 120,000 euros new) with my main car (Peugeot 307 1.6 16V) and two BMW M3 E46 of customers in electronic management!


B) PerfectPower iOS


V 6.0.2

Mon 02/09/2024 - 4.00 am


1) Addition of the information "Wheel power", "Measurement time", and "Measurement distance" in the power results sheets, which will however only become operational in the next version 6.1

2) Addition of 2 warnings to the automated control system for power and acceleration measurements: GPS receiver working, GPS accuracy


V 6.0.1

Fri 26/07/2024 - 9.05 am


1) Aesthetic improvements "Part 1":

- Complete revision of all textual screens (22)

- Changed the order of results types in results lists

2) Making PerfectPower compatible with the phone's dark mode


V 6.0

Sun 12/05/2024 - 5.33 pm


Major evolution of the V6 version compared to the V5 version:

1) Ultimate and final optimization of the precision of power and acceleration measurements

A) Return to the signal processing techniques of versions V1 to V4, just deeply reworked and optimized!

Indeed, these techniques have the huge advantage of generating absolutely no lag in the curves, unlike that introduced in the V5 version, which caused a slight permanent delay resulting in an underestimation of maximum torques and a slight delay in maximum power and maximum torque revs...

B) Optimization of the curves smoothing, allowing both to faithfully reproduce the exact behavior of the engine (AND without any lag as explained above!), AND to completely destroy all disturbances (engine vibrations and "road disturbances")

C) Power only: Optimization of the detection of the exact point of end of measurement (rev limiter -on gasoline engine- or foot lift), allowing the addition of the information "Estimated tyre slip"

D) Power only: Conservation and optimization of the system of variable smoothing of the curves depending on the signal / noise ratio (introduced in the V5 version, and allowing an optimal curves precision in all circumstances and the equalization of curves precision in 2nd and in 3rd gear), giving in comparison with the calibration carried out in the V5 version slightly "un-smoothed" curves 

E) Accelerations only: Removal of the system of variable smoothing of the curves depending on the signal / noise ratio (introduced in the V5 version), because it is unsuitable for acceleration measurements in gear change phases ==> Return to the fixed smoothing of versions V1 to V4 but optimized, giving in comparison with the calibration carried out in the V5 version significantly “un-smoothed” and much more realistic curves

2) Power: Addition in the power results sheets of an explanatory text on the "Max speed correction" function ideal in the event of poor GPS reception or failure of this one (indeed, 95% of the measurement accuracy is made by the accelerometer)


V 5.1.1

Wed 27/12/2023 - 1.32 am


1) Change in precision of pressure units: The hPa remains with a precision of 1 digit after the decimal point, but the in Hg and PSI go from 1 to 2 digits after the decimal point


V 5.1

Sat 08/07/2023 - 6.23 pm


As part of the porting of the V6 Android version to the V5 iOS version:

1) Addition of the function of power results correction on the measurement end max speed (very useful in the event of poor GPS reception or even GPS failure)

2) Increased the maximum number of results per type (power, accelerations, runs flying start) and per car from 10 to 20

3) Replacement of the old function of automatic recovery of weather data (versions <= 4.1) by a function of manual recovery of these data in real time and by geolocation on the reference weather site "The Weather Channel"

Note: The reasons for this choice are as follows:

- The last weather server used for the automatic recovery of weather data stopped its service overnight, a mishap that I would prefer not to see repeated...

- This type of service is chargeable beyond a certain number of connections per day, which would force me to have to pass on this additional cost to PerfectPower users, whereas it takes no more than... 20 seconds to complete yourself your own weather data (pressure, temperature, and humidity) with the new manual recovery system that I propose, including in particular the automatic conversion of the atmospheric pressure given at sea level (by standardization) into the local pressure on your measurement road: so I think this solution is the most advantageous for everyone!


V 5.0

Sat 20/05/2023 - 2.57 pm


Upgrade to the level of PerfectPower Android 6.0 on measurement accuracy + minimal but essential adaptations, which includes:

1) All adaptations to iOS 16 (09/2022) + iOS mini changed from 9 (09/2015) to 11 (09/2017)

Validation tests carried out physically on my iPhone 7 running iOS 15.7.5 and in the iOS simulator on iPhone 14 & 14+ & 14 Pro & 14 Pro Max running iOS 16.4 (March 27, 2023)

2) Equalization of the graphic rendering of all screens both horizontally and vertically for ALL iPhones since the 5 (09/2012), the first iPhone to have a 9/16 screen

List of iPhones concerned (classified by type of screen): 5 & 5C & 5S & SE, 6 & 6S & 7 & 8 & SE2 & SE3, 6+ & 6S+ & 7+ & 8+, X & XS & 11 Pro , XR & 11, 12 & 12 Pro & 13 & 13 Pro & 14 & 14 Pro, 11 Pro Max, 12 Pro Max & 13 Pro Max & 14+ & 14 Pro Max

3) Ultimate optimization of power and acceleration measurements accuracy (based on the "Accelerometer + GPS" combination)

A) Accelerometer frequency still limited to 100 Hz (optimal setting), but detection of the starting point still refined

B) Optimization of the end of measurement detection (rev limiter - on petrol engine - or foot lift) (power only)

C) Optimization of the curves processing by the choice of a new, more efficient signal processing technique:

- Filtering of engine vibrations optimized

- Filtering of "road disturbances" optimized

D) Creation of an auto-adaptive smoothing of the curves according to the signal / noise ratio, allowing an optimal precision of curves in all circumstances and the equalization of the precision of curves in 2nd and 3rd gear (power only)

E) Optimization of the PerfectPower model of losses under load on the pneumatic part (power only)

F) Optimization of the PerfectPower model of rolling resistance, adapted to recent road tires (law still of type a + bV², but a and b different: these are now the average values recorded by a European test campaign in 2013 on a very large number of vehicles) (power only)

G) Optimization of the PerfectPower model of engine and wheels inertia calculation (power only):

- The calculation of the engine inertia now takes into account the number of cylinders, which gives more realistic results for all engines with more (or less!) than 4 cylinders: indeed, my old model was based on a study of several PSA (Peugeot & Citroën) 4-cylinders, which could not fully apply to engines with more or less than 4 cylinders, but the shooting is now rectified!

- The calculation of the wheels inertia is refined thanks to the optimization of my model (Renault Clio 16V wheels with aluminum rims), much finer on the geometric schematization of the moving masses.

4) Removal of the function of automatic recovery of weather data, which will be replaced in the next version (5.1) by a function of manual recovery of these data in real time and by geolocation on the reference weather site "The Weather Channel"

Note: The reasons for this choice are as follows:

- The last weather server used for the automatic recovery of weather data stopped its service overnight, a mishap that I would prefer not to see repeated...

- This type of service is chargeable beyond a certain number of connections per day, which would force me to have to pass on this additional cost to PerfectPower users, whereas it takes no more than... 20 seconds to complete yourself your own weather data (pressure, temperature, and humidity) with the new manual recovery system that I propose, including in particular the automatic conversion of the atmospheric pressure given at sea level (by standardization) into the local pressure on your measurement road: so I think this solution is the most advantageous for everyone!

5) Various textual and graphic modifications + Update of all web links (FR/EN guides)


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