I) One day in New York


I) One day in New York


If you have read the All about PerfectPower section, you normally have noted that PerfectPower has the particularity of having a single and unique creator, myself who created and manages this site... and being a lover of this magnificent city of New York in which I settled in November 2021 (even if I frequently return to France for one-off stays) and which I have crisscrossed for pleasure for hundreds of hours (if not more!) since my first stay here in July 1999, I have chosen to present to you in a few photos fleeting moments of a day taken completely at random among my many walking days in this incredibly captivating city!

Of course, it has nothing to do with PerfectPower (btw a little bit in fact as you will see, but it's a pure coincidence!), but on the one hand that's why I placed this mini photo report in this Miscellaneous section, and on the other hand I tell myself that there are certainly people like me who are passionate about both this city and sports cars and power and performance measurements that it is worth sharing these fleeting moments with them, and if I can even manage in a few photos to give a taste of this city to those who wouldn't have yet perceived its crazy charm (because obviously everyone already knows the appearance of this city -well Manhattan mostly- thanks to cinema and television!), then I would really be very happy of this!

On this subject and for those who might be interested, I will very soon create another website travel-specialized on which I will publish many more photos of this magical city (which is very far from being summarized to "only" Manhattan, believe me!) , but also other awesome cities throughout the Northeast of the USA in which I also stayed (like Pittsburgh, a real favorite too!), and many other trips that I made around the world, but I say it frankly, there is no city more fascinating than New York, that's how it is, and Robert de Niro also said it in his own way!

Let's return to this famous day in New York, it is Tuesday March 7, 2023, and the objective of the day was a walk in North Brooklyn in the McCarren Park area with to get in shape a little sports session on the Park athletics track with performance control with PerfectPower! For information, Brooklyn is the most populated of the 5 boroughs that make up New York with 2.6 million inhabitants (already more than... Paris!) and the second largest (behind Queens) with 183 km2 (more than double of Paris!), but above all it is a borough with a very marked history and identity (and a particular accent too!) of which its inhabitants are proud! And for the anecdote the borough where we see the most European cars!


The McCarren Park athletics track, with the sublime Empire State Building in the background!


5 track laps on the outside lane in fast walking controlled by PerfectPower at 6.4 km/h (4.0 mph)!


Nothing to add!


 Still this sublime Empire State Building and its 443 m (1454 ft) height!


A bit of original advertising...


Caribbean atmosphere!


The East River which separates us from Manhattan, and opposite us the legendary Empire State Building...

seen from one of the places in New York where it stands out best from the other surrounding buildings!


Once again, nothing to add...


In the heart of North Brooklyn!



Panorama of Manhattan seen from the other side (west) on Saturday March 11, 2023 evening


Magical view of Manhattan, 15 min walk from PerfectPower headquarters!

5 of the 7 tallest skyscrapers in New York are in this photo, could you spot them?


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