Soon available...
II) Ratings & Reviews
1) PerfectPower Androïd
Average rating (/5) as of January 1, 2025: 4.695 (128 ratings)
Official report of ratings and reviews on the French Google Play as of January 1, 2025
Official report of ratings and reviews on the US Google Play as of January 1, 2025
2) PerfectPower iOS
Average rating (/5) as of January 1, 2025: 4.214 (14 ratings -Apple retains only the most recent-)
Official report of ratings and reviews on the French App Store as of January 1, 2025
Official report of ratings and reviews on the US App Store as of January 1, 2025
III) Stats
Here you will find interesting statistics on the evolution of PerfectPower in its two Android and iOS versions, established on the first day of each month starting from January 1, 2023.
1) PerfectPower Androïd
Initial release date: August 9, 2014
Version as of:
January 1, 2023: 5.6
January 1, 2024: 6.1.6
January 1, 2025: 7.1.1
Average rating (/5) as of:
January 1, 2023: 4.669 (118 ratings)
January 1, 2024: 4.685 (127 ratings)
January 1, 2025: 4.695 (128 ratings)
Top 5 sales by countries as of:
01012023: 1 France (81.2%) 2 Belgium (5.5%) 3 Switzerland (3.1%) 4 USA (2.6%) 5 Australia (0.8%)
01012024: 1 France (81.4%) 2 Belgium (5.4%) 3 Switzerland (3.1%) 4 USA (2.6%) 5 Canada (0.9%)
01012025: 1 France (81.4%) 2 Belgium (5.2%) 3 Switzerland (3.0%) 4 USA (2.5%) 5 Canada (0.8%)
Top 5 sales by continents as of:
01012023: 1 Europe (94.9%) 2 America (3.7%) 3 Oceania (0.8%) 4 Asia (0.4%) 5 Africa (0.2%)
01012024: 1 Europe (94.9%) 2 America (3.7%) 3 Oceania (0.8%) 4 Asia (0.4%) 5 Africa (0.2%)
01012025: 1 Europe (94.7%) 2 America (3.8%) 3 Oceania (0.9%) 4 Asia (0.4%) 5 Africa (0.3%)
Number of countries having PerfectPower as of:
01012023: 29 (Europe 20 America 3 Asia 3 Africa 2 Oceania 1)
01012024: 29 (Europe 20 America 3 Asia 3 Africa 2 Oceania 1)
01012025: 34 (Europe 21 America 4 Asia 3 Africa 3 Oceania 3)
Top 5 sell rates (sales / population) by countries as of:
01012023: 1 France 2 Luxembourg 3 Belgium 4 Switzerland 5 Ireland
01012024: 1 France 2 Luxembourg 3 Belgium 4 Switzerland 5 Romania
01012025: 1 France 2 Luxembourg 3 Belgium 4 Switzerland 5 New Caledonia
Top 5 sell rates (sales / population) by continents as of:
01012023: 1 Europe 2 Oceania 3 America 4 Africa 5 Asia
01012024: 1 Europe 2 Oceania 3 America 4 Africa 5 Asia
01012025: 1 Europe 2 Oceania 3 America 4 Africa 5 Asia
2) PerfectPower iOS
Initial release date: July 2, 2012
Version as of:
January 1, 2023: 4.1
January 1, 2024: 5.1.1
January 1, 2025: 6.0.2
Average rating (/5) as of:
January 1, 2023: 4.154 (13 ratings)
January 1, 2024: 4.214 (14 ratings)
January 1, 2025: 4.214 (14 ratings)
Top 5 sales by countries as of:
01012023: 1 France (85.3%) 2 Belgium (4.1%) 3 Switzerland (3.2%) 4 USA (2.5%) 5 Germany (0.6%)
01012024: 1 France (85.3%) 2 Belgium (4.1%) 3 Switzerland (3.2%) 4 USA (2.4%) 5 Germany (0.6%)
01012025: 1 France (85.4%) 2 Belgium (4.0%) 3 Switzerland (3.1%) 4 USA (2.5%) 5 Germany (0.6%)
Top 5 sales by continents as of:
01012023: 1 Europe (96.0%) 2 America (3.2%) 3 Asia (0.5%) 4 Africa (0.2%) 5 Oceania (0.2%)
01012024: 1 Europe (96.0%) 2 America (3.1%) 3 Asia (0.5%) 4 Oceania (0.3%) 5 Africa (0.2%)
01012025: 1 Europe (96.0%) 2 America (3.1%) 3 Asia (0.5%) 4 Oceania (0.2%) 5 Africa (0.2%)
Number of countries having PerfectPower as of:
01012023: 32 (Europe 21 Asia 5 America 3 Oceania 2 Africa 1)
01012024: 32 (Europe 21 Asia 5 America 3 Oceania 2 Africa 1)
01012025: 32 (Europe 21 Asia 5 America 3 Oceania 2 Africa 1)
Top 5 sell rates (sales / population) by countries as of:
01012023: 1 France 2 Luxembourg 3 Switzerland 4 Belgium 5 Iceland
01012024: 1 France 2 Luxembourg 3 Switzerland 4 Belgium 5 Iceland
01012025: 1 France 2 Luxembourg 3 Switzerland 4 Belgium 5 Iceland
Top 5 sell rates (sales / population) by continents as of:
01012023: 1 Europe 2 Oceania 3 America 4 Africa 5 Asia
01012024: 1 Europe 2 Oceania 3 America 4 Africa 5 Asia
01012025: 1 Europe 2 Oceania 3 America 4 Africa 5 Asia